Veterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (2024)

When Your Spouse Dies

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Veterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (1)





    Mar 21, 2022#1

    My husband was 100% P&T and just passed on 02/12/2022 due to service related health issues. I called the VA the next week to advise of his passing so I would not get his March benefit payment on the 1st of the month. Well today I received a letter informing me of repayment of some of the funeral expenses. I went to check my banking info and to my surprise beside the funeral expenses there was also a payment dated 03/17/2022 "VACP TREAS 310 XXVA BENEF 031722 XXXXX REF*48*VA COMPENSATION *SURVIVING" for the same amount of his disability payment. Why did I get this and will they be taking it back?

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        Mar 21, 2022#2

        kcpars0608 wrote:

        Mar 21, 2022

        My husband was 100% P&T and just passed on 02/12/2022 due to service related health issues. I called the VA the next week to advise of his passing so I would not get his March benefit payment on the 1st of the month. Well today I received a letter informing me of repayment of some of the funeral expenses. I went to check my banking info and to my surprise beside the funeral expenses there was also a payment dated 03/17/2022 "VACP TREAS 310 XXVA BENEF 031722 XXXXX REF*48*VA COMPENSATION *SURVIVING" for the same amount of his disability payment. Why did I get this and will they be taking it back?

        I don't have an answer but I'm sorry for your loss.

        Roll Call is my life line. You are very special people to me. Why? Because you care.

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          Peace ✌️Veterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (2)



            Mar 21, 2022#3

            I'm sorry for your loss. If your husband had a veteran's service officer they could assist. The VA help # is +1 800-698-2411. They may provide guidance. Peace

            Peace begins with a smile. Mother Teresa

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                Mar 22, 2022#4

                Sorry for your loss, you get it because he passed away on the 12th. My sister in law got a paper check because the VA retracted his payment.

                Use a VSO and apply for your DIC benefits.

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                  AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (3)



                    Mar 22, 2022#5

                    Be sure to file your paperwork for DIC.

                    Sorry for your loss. We are here to help in any way we can.

                    A Co. 2nd/2nd
                    1st Infantry

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                      WV HILLBILLY WIFE


                      10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (4)

                      WV HILLBILLY WIFE


                        Mar 22, 2022#6

                        So sorry for your loss.

                        When my husband passed … I got the same thing.

                        If you haven’t already applied, please apply for DIC.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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                          AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (5)



                            Mar 22, 2022#7

                            Very sorry for your loss.

                            From your post, your husband passed 2/12/22 and you called the following week.

                            Somewhere around the 19/20 is when the cut off for changes to effect the upcoming payment, it’s likely your call, and action on it, was after that date.

                            However, since he passed of a service connected condition, you should definitely file for DIC. And if your husband’s disability pay was more than the DIC amount, your should request “month of death benefit.” Then, you will be able to keep the recent payment in lieu of the smaller DIC payment for that month.

                            I DO NOT RESPOND TO PRIVATE MESSAGES. Put it in the thread or ask your VSO. Thanks. Veterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (6)
                            USAF (ret) 1991-2012
                            VBA Counselor 2014-2016
                            VBA RVSR 2016-current
                            VBN Admin 2018-current

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                                Mar 22, 2022#8

                                I just spoke with my VSO and since he was 10yrs P&T and I already filed for DIC and was in the system it is his last month of benefit . Thank you all for the kind words and help. This is the hardest time of my life as it was sudden and very unexpected.

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                                  AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (7)



                                    Mar 22, 2022#9

                                    kcpars0608 wrote:

                                    Mar 22, 2022

                                    I just spoke with my VSO and since he was 10yrs P&T and I already filed for DIC and was in the system it is his last month of benefit . .

                                    You get that regardless of whether he was P&T and regardless of whether it was for 10 years.

                                    If he died as a result of his service connected disability the 10 year thing is a moot point as service connection will be granted for the cause of death. The so-called 10 year rule does not convey service connection. It only allows for the payment of DIC as if death was service connected. It does not provide for service connected burial benefits like a death that is actually service connected does. Make sure you apply for that benefit too.


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                                        Mar 22, 2022#10

                                        I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. May your sweet memories sustain you. May it comfort you to know we are here to support you through this most difficult time. Please do not hesitate to post.

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                                          Retired TopKick


                                          AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (8)

                                          Retired TopKick


                                            Mar 22, 2022#11

                                            Sorry for the loss of your beloved husband.

                                            Retired TopKick
                                            100% P&T + SMC-K
                                            SSDI (Now converted to Regular Retirement)
                                            United States Army Retired (1974-2002)

                                            "Never Make Anyone a Priority Within Your Life Who Makes You an Option in Theirs!"

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                                                Mar 22, 2022#12

                                                His death is service connected and I have already received his burial benefit. Per my VSO my DIC payments should begin 04/01/2022. I am already in ChampVA. Per the VSO since I was already in the system as his spouse on his original claim is why everything is being processed so quickly. Fingers crossed there are no SNAFU's

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                                                    Mar 22, 2022#13

                                                    kcpars0608 wrote:

                                                    Mar 22, 2022

                                                    His death is service connected and I have already received his burial benefit. Per my VSO my DIC payments should begin 04/01/2022. I am already in ChampVA. Per the VSO since I was already in the system as his spouse on his original claim is why everything is being processed so quickly. Fingers crossed there are no SNAFU's

                                                    Sounds like you have a wonderful VSO working on your behalf.

                                                    kcpars0608, Spunky like this post

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                                                      Veterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies (2024)


                                                      Veterans Benefits Network-When Your Spouse Dies? ›

                                                      VA Survivor Benefits. What are veteran survivor benefits? As a veteran's surviving spouse, child or parent, you may qualify for certain benefits, such as help with burial costs and compensation or pension. You may also qualify for health care, life insurance, or financial assistance to help pay for school or training.

                                                      What is a widow of a veteran entitled to? ›

                                                      Survivor's Pension - The Survivors Pension benefit, which may also be referred to as Death Pension, is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to a low-income, un-remarried surviving spouse and/or unmarried child(ren) of a deceased veteran with wartime service.

                                                      Does VA pay for a Veterans spouses funeral? ›

                                                      These regulations will authorize VA to pay, without a written application, most eligible surviving spouses basic monetary burial benefits at the maximum amount authorized in law through automated systems rather than reimbursing them for actual costs incurred.

                                                      What is the VA 10 year rule for spouse? ›

                                                      The Dependent VA Benefits 10-year rule for military spouses stipulates that to be eligible for certain VA benefits, spouses of veterans must have been married to the veteran for at least 10 years, during which the veteran served at least 10 years of active duty or equivalent Reserve or Guard service.

                                                      Am I entitled to my husband's VA benefits when he dies? ›

                                                      If you're the surviving spouse, child, or parent of a service member who died in the line of duty, or the survivor of a Veteran who died from a service-related injury or illness, you may be able to get a tax-free monetary benefit called VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (VA DIC).

                                                      What benefits can you get when your husband dies? ›

                                                      Surviving spouse, at full retirement age or older, generally gets 100% of the worker's basic benefit amount. Surviving spouse, age 60 or older, but under full retirement age, gets between 71% and 99% of the worker's basic benefit amount.

                                                      What is the difference between survivor benefits and widow benefits? ›

                                                      “Survivor benefits” and “widow benefits” are both terms used for the same Social Security benefits paid to the surviving spouse and dependents after a person's death.

                                                      What benefits does a wife of a Veteran receive? ›

                                                      Types of VA surviving spouse benefits include Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), death (survivors) pension, housebound pension and Aid & Attendance.

                                                      How much does the VA pay when a Veteran dies? ›

                                                      Eligible survivors are paid automatically upon notification of a Veteran's death, without the need to submit a claim. If the Veteran had a service-related death on or after September 11, 2001, the maximum burial allowance is $2,000.

                                                      Who is eligible for veterans death benefits? ›

                                                      Survivor Benefit Plan

                                                      Beneficiaries may include the surviving spouse, former spouse, children or a disabled dependent. In cases where the deceased did not have a spouse or children, another person of natural insurable interest, such as a brother or sister, may be eligible.

                                                      Can a widow remarry and keep VA benefits? ›

                                                      Therefore, a surviving spouse who remarries is no longer eligible to receive VA benefits. Exceptions: If a surviving spouse remarries after age 55, he/she may retain eligibility for certain VA benefits under Public Law (PL) 107-330.

                                                      Can my ex wife touch my VA benefits? ›

                                                      Under federal law, VA disability benefits are not marital property which courts can divide in a divorce. However, the VA disability payments are not invisible to the court, and do count as income when calculating child support or alimony.

                                                      Can ex spouses get VA benefits after death? ›

                                                      The ex-spouse of a U.S. military veteran will be entitled to receive some spousal benefits. However, these benefits may be limited by factors such as how long the spouse was married to the veteran and the number of years of their active service.

                                                      How long does a widow receive survivor benefits? ›

                                                      These benefits are payable for life unless the spouse begins collecting a retirement benefit that is greater than the survivor benefit. Beneficiaries entitled to two types of Social Security payments receive the higher of the two amounts.

                                                      How much are VA widow benefits? ›

                                                      DIC Payment Amounts

                                                      The amount DIC recipients get each month depends mostly on their relationship to the deceased veteran. Other factors, such as whether the veteran was disabled, may also apply. As of Dec. 1, 2023, a surviving spouse can generally receive $1,612.75 monthly.

                                                      Does a wife get a husband's pension if he dies? ›

                                                      Spouse benefit provisions of private pension plans reflect the influence of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) . Pension plans are not required by law, but once established, ERISA requires that they provide for annuities to spouses of deceased employees.

                                                      Who qualifies for VA widows pension? ›

                                                      To be eligible for this benefit, the claimant must be the eligible surviving spouse and/or child(ren) of a deceased wartime Veteran, who meets specific income and net worth requirements.

                                                      What are the survivor benefits for military widows? ›

                                                      SBP provides up to 55 percent of a service member's retired pay to an eligible beneficiary upon the death of the member. After the service member passes away, the SBP annuity is paid out monthly to the surviving spouse, or to the child or children of the member.

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                                                      Author: Frankie Dare

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                                                      Author information

                                                      Name: Frankie Dare

                                                      Birthday: 2000-01-27

                                                      Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

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                                                      Job: Sales Manager

                                                      Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

                                                      Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.