Mosaic Anywhere – Mosaic Computing (2024)

What is Mosaic Anywhere?

MosaicAnywhere is a way to run a Mosaic Windows session remotely from almost any computer. As long as a computer is connected to the Internet you can use built in Windows utilities and the campus VPN to connect to a Mosaic session.

Linux Mosaic Anywhere (Linux Lab Pool)

When off-campus, first use Cisco VPN client to connect to campus. VPN Help.

Software available on the Linux Lab Pool

To access the labpool, click on one of the following links, login with your NinerNET credentials, and launch one of the VirtualGL session options:


You must first download the Cisco VPN client from here and connect. After installing the VPN client, you need to insert the following address “” to connect. An FAQ is available here for the VPN.


If you are trying to use Mosaic Anywhere on a Mac running OSX please download the program found here. Note that this is an older version of Microsoft RDP. This program will have limitations if downloaded from the Apple app store, such as lack of local drive sharing and multi-monitor support. Now, when you download RDP files they will open with the program.

On Linux

If you are trying to use Mosaic Anywhere on a Linux system please download the program found here. Detailed usage instructions can be found below.

Mosaic Anywhere Documentation

  • Windows
  • OSX
  • Linux

Usage Policies

The same usage policies that apply to the regular Mosaic Lab machines also apply to the MosaicAnywhere system. They can be found here.

You may not logon to more than one remote desktop workstation at a time. This policy is enforced at logon. Note: As in most other cases, you should make sure that you have logged out of the system that you use on campus, before using another system, including the remote desktop Mosaic lab.

Time Limits

Because MosaicAnywhere is a resource limited service, specific time limits have been established for use. The two time limits are called the “session time”, and the “idle time”. The session time limit is the maximum amount of time that you can use the system. Near the end of your session time you should save all files and logoff, or you will be automatically logged off. The idle time refers to the amount of time the system can be left alone without keyboard, or mouse use. If you logon to a remote desktop system and don’t move your mouse, or press a key on the keyboard for a period extending beyond the idle time, then you will be automatically logged off.

You will be given a 5 minute warning within these time limits, so these time limits include the 5 minute warning time as follows:

The current session time limit is:

1 hour 55 minutes + 5 minute warning. Total Time = 2 Hours1.

The current idle time limit is:

10 minutes + 5 minute warning.
Total Time = 15 Minutes2.

1. Only if all remote desktop workstations are in use.
2. Only if there are more than 5 other available workstations.
(Up to 1 hour max, see Idle Time Extensions below.)

Session Time Extensions

Mosaic has added session time extensions to the MosaicAnywhere service. Session time extensions are added at the end of your session time at the 5 minute warning. You will be provided 5 extra minutes per available MosaicAnywhere workstation. This means if no workstations are available, then you will not get any extension time, and you will be logged off after your 5 minute warning time has elapsed. If at least one workstation is available, you will be given 5 extra minutes before the 5 minute warning time to logoff. If two workstations are available, then you will be given 10 extra minutes before the 5 minute warning time to logoff, etc. If you are the only one using the MosaicAnywhere service, then you will receive 5 minutes for every available machine. At the end of every session time extension, another session time extension will be evaluated for you. This will allow you to stay logged on as long as there are open machines and your idle time has not expired (see next). The session time extensions operate to make sure that everyone has equal access to the system.

Idle Time Extensions

Mosaic has added idle time extensions to the MosaicAnywhere service. Idle time extensions are added at the end of your idle time at the 5 minute warning. You will be provided 5 extra minutes of idle time if at least 5 other remote desktop workstations are free, otherwise you do not get any extra idle time. At the end of every idle time extension, another idle time extension will be evaluated for you. When the total idle time reaches 1 hour, you will be logged out. This will allow you to stay logged on up to 60 minutes if there are 5 free workstations, and as long as your session time is being extended. The idle time extensions operate to make sure that everyone has equal access to the system.

Warnings and limitations of use

* The remote desktop system is not intended to replace the on-campus desktop systems. It can be fairly snappy at some tasks, but with programs such as AutoCAD or Solidworks, you will start to notice a lag.

Mosaic Anywhere – Mosaic Computing (2024)


What is mosaic anywhere? ›

​What is Mosaic Anywhere? MosaicAnywhere is a way to run a Mosaic Windows session remotely from almost any computer. As long as a computer is connected to the Internet you can use built in Windows utilities and the campus VPN to connect to a Mosaic session.

How to connect to uncc VPN? ›

How do I connect to the UNC Charlotte VPN?
  1. Go to Start > All Programs > Cisco > Cisco Secure Client.
  2. Click Cisco Secure Client to launch the application.
  3. Enter into the AnyConnect VPN section of the Cisco Secure Client - click Connect.
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Let's break it down! Mosaic tiles are known for their intricate designs and patterns. Each tiny piece is carefully placed to create a stunning visual effect. This meticulous work takes time and precision, which means higher labor costs.

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Mosaic software is a cloud-based platform that helps project-based companies plan, manage, and optimize their work and resources. It connects data from various tools and systems, such as ERP, CRM, HRIS, and billing systems, as well as automates analytics and reporting.

How do I connect to UNCC Internet? ›

Connecting to the campus wireless is now easier than ever. Select the SSID “eduroam” and you will be prompted for credentials. Enter your full UNCC email address and your NinerNet password and you will get connected and stay connected all over campus. The OneIT website offers an FAQ for eduroam here.

How do I connect to a public VPN? ›

Select the Start button, then select Settings > Network & Internet > VPN > Add a VPN connection.

How do I add a VPN to my home Network? ›

How to set up a VPN on your router
  1. Log into your router. You can access your router configuration panel by entering your router's IP address in your browser's URL bar. ...
  2. Look for the “VPN client” tab in the advanced settings of your router. ...
  3. Follow your VPN client's guidelines to set up the VPN on your router.
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Mosaic is a multi-site Christian megachurch based in Los Angeles, California, and is currently led by Erwin McManus.

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The Mosaic Company (NYSE: MOS) is the world's leading integrated producer of concentrated phosphate and potash—two of the three most important nutrients in agriculture. We employ more than 13,000 people in six countries to serve farmers all over the world.

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Mosaic is an educator tool in the format of an e-storybook for each individual child. The app is pre-loaded with necessary daily records including attendance, personal care and sleep checks.

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Mosaic Learning will become the leading provider of competency-based, accelerated learning outcomes and skill training for learners through combining adaptive user experiences, leading content, and machine learning.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.