Fault Code 200: TCM Operation 1 (TRTS0950) (2024)

Fault Code 200: TCM Operation 1

J1939: SA 3 SPN 629 FMI 0, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21


The Endurant HD transmission is equipped with a Transmission Control Module (TCM). The TCM communicates with other vehicle Electronic Control Units (ECUs), receives feedback from sensors and actuates solenoids to control transmission operation. The TCM is mounted to the transmission and connected to the 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector and 20-Way TCM Body Harness Connector. The TCM is connected to the transmission sensors and solenoids at the 74-Way Transmission Harness Connector.


The TCM performs a self-check during operation. If a failure is detected, the fault is set Active.

Conditions to Set Fault Code Active

FMI 0 – Data Valid But Above Normal – Most Severe: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 1 – Data Valid But Below Normal – Most Severe: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 8 – Abnormal Frequency: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 9 – Abnormal Update Rate: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 10 – Abnormal Rate of Change: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 11 – Root Cause Unknown: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 12 – Bad Intelligent Device: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 13 – Out of Calibration: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 14 – Special Instructions: The TCM detects it is installed on the wrong transmission model.

FMI 18 – Data Valid But Below Normal - Least Severe: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 19 – Received Network Data Error: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 20 – Data Drifted High: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.

FMI 21 – Data Drifted Low: The TCM has detected an internal processing error.


0, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21:

  • Amber warning lamp on
  • No degraded modes

FMI 14:

  • Amber warning lamp on
  • Engine will not crank
  • Non neutral modes prohibited
  • Clutch engagement prohibited
  • PTO mode prohibited

Conditions to Set Fault Code Inactive

FMI 0, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21: Key cycle

FMI 14: The TCM is installed on the correct transmission model.

Possible Causes

FMI 0, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21:

  • TCM
    • Software issue
    • Internal failure

FMI 14:

  • TCM
    • Incorrect TCM installed on transmission
    • Incorrect MTM Type configured

Additional Tools

  • Endurant HD Service Manual TRSM0950

Component Identification

Fault Code 200: TCM Operation 1 (TRTS0950) (1)

1. Transmission Control Module (TCM)

Fault Code 200 Troubleshooting


Purpose:Check for active or inactive fault codes.

  1. Set vehicle parking brake and chock wheels.

  2. Record the transmission fault codes, FMIs, occurrences, and timestamps from the Service Activity Report created during the Diagnostic Procedure.

  • If Fault Code 200 FMI 0, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21 is Active or Inactive, Go to Step B

  • If Fault Code 200 FMI 14 and all the following fault codes are Active:

    • Fault Code 275 FMI 5
    • Fault Code 295 FMI 8
    • Fault Code 315 FMI 8
    • Fault Code 320 FMI 8

    Note: Fault Code 596 FMI 5 may also be Active depending on MTM Type configured in TCM.

    Go to Configure Mechatronic Transmission Module (MTM) Type. Go to Step V

  • If Fault Code 200 FMI 14 is Active, the TCM installed on the transmission is not correct for the transmission model. Verify the transmission model number and install the correct TCM. Go to Step V

  • If Fault Code 200 FMI 14 is Inactive, the TCM is installed on the correct transmission model. Test complete, Go to Step V


Purpose:Verify TCM software.

  1. Key off.

  2. Allow TCM to perform a complete power down.

  3. Key on with engine off.

  4. Connect ServiceRanger.

  5. Go to “Programming”.

  6. Under “Software Information”, record TCM software in table.

  • If a TCM software update is available, update TCM software. Go to Step V

  • If the TCM is at the latest available software, Contact Eaton Cummins Automated Transmission Technologies for further diagnostic instructions. For Help Line phone numbers, go to Contact Information. Go to Step V

TCM Software


Purpose:Verify repair.

  1. Key off.

  2. Reconnect all connectors and verify that all components are properly installed.

  3. Key on with engine off.

  4. Connect ServiceRanger.

  5. Go to “Fault Codes”.

  6. Select “Clear All Faults”.

  7. Operate vehicle and attempt to reset the fault code or duplicate the previous complaint.

  8. Check for fault codes using ServiceRanger.

  • If no fault codes set and the vehicle operates properly, test complete.

  • If Fault Code 200 sets Active during operation, Go to Step A

  • If a fault code other than 200 sets Active, troubleshoot per Fault Code Isolation Procedure Index.

Fault Code 200: TCM Operation 1 (TRTS0950) (2024)


How do I clear my TCM code? ›

How to Reset the TCM
  1. Step 1) Turn the Ignition On. Put the key in the ignition and turn it to the “On” position without starting the engine.
  2. Step 2) Disconnect Battery Cables. Locate the battery in the engine bay. ...
  3. Step 3) Drain Residual Power. ...
  4. Step 4) Reconnect Battery. ...
  5. Step 5) Clear Codes and Calibrate.
Mar 4, 2024

What is fault code TCM? ›

P0700: Transmission Control System Malfunction

The TCM is responsible for relaying fault codes that turn on the vehicle's check engine light. The P0700 code indicates that there is a problem with the TCM which prevents it from turning on the light. This code is produced by vehicles with an automatic transmission.

Does unplugging the battery reset TCM? ›

Yes, if enough time has passed since disconnecting the battery. Once all residual electricity has dissipated from your car's circuits, the volatile memory in your car computer, also known as the Engine Control Unit (ECU), will be cleared, resetting it to its default settings.

What causes TCM failure? ›

The most likely reasons for failure include: Electrical issues. Electrical problems, such as damaged wiring, loose connections, or short circuits, can disrupt the communication between the TCM and sensors, leading to malfunctions. Overheating.

Can you still drive with a faulty TCM? ›

It's never safe to drive with a faulty transmission control module because it causes your car to be extremely unpredictable when it comes to shifting gears. If you notice any of the signs listed above, you're going to want to get your vehicle to the shop immediately.

How much does it cost to fix the TCM? ›

The average cost for a Transmission Control Module Replacement is between $816 and $869. Labor costs are estimated between $100 and $126 while parts are priced between $716 and $743. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your unique location. Related repairs may also be needed.

What are the symptoms of a faulty TCM? ›

Some common signs of a bad transmission control module include:
  • Unpredictable shifting.
  • Trouble shifting into higher gear.
  • Trouble downshifting.
  • Getting stuck in the same gear.
  • Poor fuel economy.
  • Check engine light comes on.

How do I manually clear my DTC code? ›

It's also possible to reset a DTC by temporarily disconnecting the vehicle's 12-volt battery. Doing this shuts off power to the computer that stores the code, clearing it from its memory.

Can you reset a TCM with a scanner? ›

It's best to take your vehicle to a nearby auto shop if there are still malfunctions after resetting the TCM. Chances are, there's a damaged component that the reset can't fix. You can also reset certain vehicles using a scan tool. This process is called resetting/clearing adaptives.

Can a bad TCM be reprogrammed? ›

Pros: With a few simple steps, a technician can reprogram your TCM without any extra parts or hard labor. This is the simplest method for fixing your transmission control module issues. Cons: Once reprogrammed, you'll need to drive for about 20 minutes to re-educate your engine on how you drive.

How do I get my TCM out of limp mode? ›

Check your oil and transmission fluid, and top off if either are low. Disconnect the battery. If your car still goes into limp mode, disconnect the battery and wait for about a half hour to reset your car's computer. After a half hour, reconnect your battery and shift gears to see if you are still in limp mode.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.